Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Make Jesus your new Years Resolution in 2012

I know...I'm just as guilty as everyone else but it begins to get tiresome, every year it seems I make a NEW New Year's resolution, or I remake an old New Year's resolution only to fail.  How many New Year's resolutions have I made that actully worked, that Isaw thru until the end, that ended just like Ihad planned?  Not very many I would guess.

Why do we make New Year's resolutions, why do we make promises to change at the end of every year? I think it's because we feel dead inside, or in bondage and we want something new and invigorating for the New Year.  I think this is especially true after Christmas.  We put so much stock in Christmas and all of the anticipation for all of the marvelous gifts that we will receive, only to be disappointed because they bought us the wrong blender, or the purse was the wrong color, or the coat didn't fit. We need something to hope in, something that we think will fill a void that is left in us after the let down of the material, worldly let downs.

These lead us to being sad and disappointed, thus a resolution to make the new year different, better, and in the end to make ourselves or our life better or different in the end.

So what are the resolutions that we make?  The first one that I think comes to everyones head is to lose weight?  Admirable, and a healthy goal.  But the crux of the matter is you need to determine why you need to lose weight.  Is it to feel better, breath better, look better, be healthier, or to fit into those jeans from 10 years ago that you just need to give to someone younger and thiner.  But, ultimately, why are we unhappy with our bodies.  I believe it is because too much of our identity is wrapped up in our looks and what others think of us.  Jesus says:

Luke 12:22-24 - then Jesus said to his disciples: "therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. 23:Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. 24:Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! 

So if we listen to Jesus...he says that our focus shouldn't be our body or what we eat, but who we are and living with him.  He is in charge of making sure we have what we need including food, so if we focus on him, and not the food that is always in front of us, he will make sure we keep our appetites in check.
The next new years resolution that I think I've often made is to find success.  What is success?  Who determines what success is? Are we talking about earthly success or heavenly success?  I think again we are looking to fill a void and find our identity in the success that our culture tells us we need Corporate America teaches us that to be successful you must sell your soul for their company and live for the company.  The word of God says that our success comes from the Lord, not from this world.

2 Ch 26:5 He sought God during the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the fear of God. As long as he sought the LORD, God gave him success.
It's when we seek people or seek approval that we become addicted to success and need that success as some need food.  If we make Jesus our the center of our life, He will give us success.  That may not be the success that our culture tells us we need, but it will be a success that is everlasting

The next resolution that I know I have made, is to treat people better and to show the love of Jesus to them.  The key to this one is to do it thru His power and Word and not our own strength or understanding.  When we feel like we cannot possibly love those that He has put in our path, He can give us the grace to supernaturally love like never before.

Jesus says: Phil 4:12 and 13 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. <b>I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

He will give us His strength and His Grace to love those that are unlovable. 

So what are these resolutions doing for us?  Possibly making us more depressed because we don't seem to be able to keep them.  I am excited to say, that if we make Jesus Christ our New Years Resolution, we can keep them.  He is our strength, our motivation, our power, our discipline, our inspiration our encourager.  Thru Him, not thru myself, I can accomplish anything.  To do this, our eyes must be on HIM, for He is the author and finisher of our Faith, our purpose, our life, our eternity.  We are nothing without Him..He gave up His son so that we could live forever with Him.  But yet we continue to search for fulfillment in the things of this world, the material gifts from others, the successes that man says we must have and the physique that this culture says we should have.

But...all we need is Jesus - He is my 2012 New Years Resolution.  I want Jesus, I want to share Jesus, I want more revelation of Jesus and I want to meet him in the sky....soon!!!
Make your 2012 New Years Resolution Jesus.  I promise you, the other things will fade and not be as important. Christ will give you new desires that are fulfilled thru Him and they will be secondary once you truly see the love He has for you and the purpose He has placed on your life.

Jesus- the New Year Resolution

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Anticipation - 2012

I've spent a lot of time this Christmas reminiscing over Christmas celebrations in the past and thinking about this Christmas. What has changed, what is the same and what is going to change yet in the future.  A little like The Christmas Story I guess, however the focus is a bit different than trying to put my life in order like the character from the movie.

At service last week I began to think about Christmas past at my father’s church.  Advent services were so very special to me.  A week by week encounter with the meaning of Christmas and a building of anticipation as we approached Christmas and the true celebration of His birth.  So much pomp and circumstance with lights, banners, choral performances, musicals, plays, children’s performances and so much more.

My father and mother painted a grand picture of the birth of Christ for us as children and truly instilled in us the importance of His birth and how it changed the course of mankind for all of eternity.  Each evening we would sit around the advent wreath, light that weeks candle and read a portion of the scripture which approached His birth.  The suspense was building, the anticipation was building, and the wonder and awe were building.

It wasn't about the Christmas gifts, truly it wasn't.  It was so much about anticipating his first coming and ultimately His second coming.  What a great time of awe and wonder and innocence.  I heard a sermon today that in order to keep that awe and wonder, we must share with others the story and history behind our own understanding of  Christ's birth and His return and by sharing and watching others discover the awe, we relive it and keep it alive.

My only concern here is do people really even want the awe and wonder.  Have we become so enamored with our material things, our busy lifestyle and our earthly successes, that we have forgotten that we would have none of it without Him.  We spend all Christmas season searching for gold, silver, lights, beauty, fun, fellowship, fulfillment, new gidgets and gadgets and the latest crazy geeks toy, that we miss that we already have the gift that we are meant to have that fulfills all of our needs, and we don't even realize it.

Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, who is more precious than all silver and gold, who will one day rule all heaven and earth.  Why are we looking for gifts from others, when the greatest gift is already ours, free and non-returnable.  Jesus Christ - the Greatest Gift of all time. Let us continue to search for him, to seek revelation about him and to await His return with anticipation and joy.  Be Blessed this Christmas season as you await His return.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Prophecy Given December 7th, 2011 - City on Fire

My Children,
Know that I am about to send a great fire upon the city of Kansas City.  A fire unlike any other fire in history will come upon my children, those that are walking with me, and those that have not yet turned to me.  The things of this world that have hindered my children from walking fully in my ways will be burned off of as dross is burned off of precious metal.  As my fire, which is My Spirit, falls upon your hearts the things of this world will bubble up and be burned off.  These are things that have hindered you from your full purpose; greed, depression, distractions of this world, money, success, houses, cars, jobs, children, addictions, immorality, religion, lack of understanding, forgiveness.  All of these, as shackles around your feet, will be burned in the fire.  As the shackles were burned off in the fiery furnace, so shall these be burned from you and free you to follow me with your whole being.
My fire will consume this city as a wild fire consumes a forest. My Spirit will consume the hearts of these people, burning within them so intensely it will cause them to seek release, thus causing them to run to the refreshing waters that await them.  Seeking relief from the intensity of my love, they will run to the refreshing waters and find even more love.
The fire will multiply…it will multiply in this city, in this nation and in this world.  Refreshing Waters will multiply, in this city, in this nation and in this world. All of this for one purpose, to multiply my Kingdom, to multiply my people.
December 7, 2011
As given to Karina Ruthenberg

Dream 7-25-11

Dream from 7-24-11

I had a dream that I was driving to work on I435 south.  Almost immediately after getting on I 435 from Gregory I hit dead stopped traffic.  I could almost see it from overhead.  It reminded me of an armegeddon type movie where you see miles and miles of cars lined up, bumper to bumper on a busy freeway with no relief in site.  People were getting out of their vehicle and talking to each other.  The consensus was to not bother to try to head South or West because you would never make it to your destination.  It was the opinion of most that you might as well turn around at the nearest exit.

As I got closer to the triangle, I noticed two buses that looked like tourest buses or the buses of a celebrity.  Surrounding the buses were literally hundreds of police cars and ambulances. It looked as if the police had simply pulled the buses over and were "waiting" to proceed with anything futher at that time. I continued down the road and passed by the buses.

Once I crossed over the Grandview Triangle, I pulled off on 103rd to a bank and pulled into a parking lot.  This distance of  3 or 4 miles took 4 or 5 hours.  Once I got into the parking lot, I joined hundreds of others by getting out of my vehicle and chatting about what was occuring.  Some stated that they had heard that there were several manholes or openings on the interstate that had been pried open and a man from one of the buses had been seen throwing a large package into the hole and then running from it.

At this point, the police and media were encouraging everyone to return to their homes and stay until further information could be given.  I woke up....I had no fear, but feel that it is somewhat prophetic.  I don't have the interpretation, but will be watching.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Put your hands to the plow and don't look back!!!

What has the Lord called you to?  What has the Lord put on your heart?  How many times have you had someone come into your life and you knew that you were to speak into their lives. How many times have you heard a still small voice, only to ignore it because you believed it to be your own mind and not the Lord.

Have you ever heard the Lord speak life into you and you so desperately wanted to share that life with others, but maybe you shrunk back. Has the Lord spoken to you about your job, to speak boldly to someone, to take a step of Faith, but you shrink back? What does it take to move from the fleshly dimension of fear and failure, to the spiritual dimension of Faith and boldness?

When we are preparing for a marathon race, we condition our bodies, we give it the right fuel, we get our mind in the right place to take us forward.  You have to do the same thing with moving out in Faith.

You have to feed your Spirit with Spiritual food, which might actually mean you have to fast earthly food in order to be able to fill up on the Spiritual food that the Lord has for you. Oftentimes, we are so full of the earthly food, earthly materialistic garbage and earthly successes that we have no room or time for us to fill up with the Lord's bread of life.

When preparing for a marathon you have to exercise and stretch your body...when preparing for a spiritual marathon, you have to exercise your Faith.  If your Faith is weak and hasn't been exercised, like an atrophied muscle, it may not be able to hold you up, or carry you.

And last, but not least, in order to run a marathon, you must have your mind prepared. You must be prepared to tell yourself to push on when you are at the point of quitting.  When you are preparing are walking in spiritual marathons, you must prepare your mind.  You must feed it with the living word and fill it with the living water.  The Lord says that He has all that we need to run the race.  We must decide to step out in faith believing that what the Lord has in store for us is better than anything that is behind us.

We know what happened with Lot's wife when she looked back.  If the Lord has called you to fulfill a purpose, put your hand to the plow, and don't look back.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Expand My Territory

Lord,  it's been awhile since I've written anything or taken the time to really put pen to paper on what you are speaking to me.  How many times I've heard your still small voice, yet I have not written it down for future remembrance or to use to encourage others in their Faith. 

But this week, ahhh, I know I heard your voice, not audibly, but in so many different ways.  A book from my past given to me to re-read with highlighted portions that you spoke to them concerning me.  What an awesome kiss from you!!  A sermon that validated and confirmed everything that had been spoken to me from that book and more.  And finally, as I walked in my yard last evening to seek you in prayer and seek your face, 4 deer walked across my front lawn and into the neighbors.  I heard in my mind,

As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longeth after Thee.
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship Thee.

You Lord, are my hearts desire, and I do long to worship you. Father, I long to see you in every situation and to care more about your thoughts than mine.  I long to see you in those around me and to encourage them in their Faith. Yet, I fail so often.

So, I wonder, even though when I have sweet, sweet worship and sweet relationship with you, why do I wait so long to come back and run into your arms?  Why do I choose to watch T.V. instead of spend time with you.  Lord, I pray that you would create a desire and a passion so strong in me for intimacy with you, that nothing else will satisfy and only you can fill.

In light of all that, Lord I cry out to you the Prayer of Jabez.

Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand
be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request.  1 Chronicles 4:10

 Oh Lord, if we could only comprehend what you see when you see us cry out to you for your blessing.  We are so taught that to ask for Blessing is selfish and self centered.  But, you desire that we ask for Blessing so that we can be poured out on those around us.  Instead...we become selfish anyway and instead of following your Word to ask for those Blessings, we worry about missing our favorite television show, missing out on the sale at Macy's or just missing out on time.  If we would only seek you first, cry out for the Kingdom Blessings that you long to pour out on us, and ask for you to redeem our time so that we can offer it up to you for your use.

Lord, free me from the clutches of this World.  The gravitational pull of this culture that screams at us day and night to perform better, spend more, shove more into each day and to fill our minds with the mindless, senseless entertainment that barrages our every waking minute.  

Lord, I don't ask for you to expand my territory so that I can be more busy, more stressed out, or more overwhelmed with the constand barrage of stuff to do....I ask that you expand my territory so that I can have an impact on the physical realm that you have given me dominion over and influence in.

I say Yes Lord Jesus!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Eyes of Jesus

Twice this week-end I heard people mention the eyes or the Face of first I was just slightly intrigued, and then my heart skipped a beat when I heard this story.

Momma Heidi, you may or may not have heard of her.  She is a missionary in Mozambique in Africa.  She moved there with her family to start an orphanage.  Daily she ministers to the street kids, preaching, healing, loving and taking many home to her orphanage every week.  She is quite an amazing child of God.  The love that is pouring out from her is amazing and spoke volumns to me.  She is exercizing true love to the world with her sacrifice and selfless life.

She told a story of being drained and needing a refreshing.  I can fully understand her feeling drained.  Every time she steps out of a vehicle she is overtaken by children desiring to touch them, to have her take them home or simply to love them. At this point she is exhausted and chooses to leave Africa for a time to visit a Missiounary retreat in Canada. 

Once in Canada, she is in worship and prayer and is lying prostrate on the floor.  Her heart is heavy, she is worn out, and she is crying out to her Heavenly Father for strength.  She says that as she looks up she sees the eyes of Jesus gazing at her.  His eyes are warm, loving, strengthening and encouraging.  She hears the Lord speak to her that she is trying to do this out of her own strength, but He wishes to empower her with His power to continue the work that she is called to do.

That's pretty much the end of the story that touched me.  I must say that my heart stired when she spoke about His eyes piercing her barriers, her soul, her heart and mind.  I've been intrigued with this thought ever since.  The eyes of Jesus...have I seen the eyes of Jesus?  Could I handle seeing the eyes of Jesus?  What look would He be giving me?  Would it be a look of disgust?  Would it be a look of love?  Would it be a look of pity or a look of forgiveness.  I don't know what it would be, I just know that I want to gaze into the eyes of Jesus.  The eyes are the mirror to the soul.  If I can catch a glimpse of His eyes...would I be able to see His soul?

I just know this, if I continue to chase after Him, trying to see His eyes and His gaze, I will draw closer to Him be default and in turn will learn who He is, what He desires from me and for me.

I'm very excited about seeing the eyes of Jesus

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Curses Broken

Mark and I have been on a Journey...a Journey searching for where He would have us to minister, where He would have us to become a part of a community and where He would have us to settle.  It's been difficult wandering, the wandering in the wilderness is not easy.  You become dry and dehydrated as you are not truly being fed or connected.  Your vision can begin to blur as you don't see His purpose for your life.

We've tried to be connected to our brothers and sisters in Christ as we continue on this journey.  Making sure that we have close friends speaking into our lives and help us stay grounded in the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and ensure that we don't get sidetracked.

We continue to study His Word and grow in His Word, allowing Him to move on our heart and speak into us as we wait on Him.
I feel so priveledged because my Father went to so much trouble for me today, which showed me again how much He loves us. I need to put into writting the words that were spoken over me this morning, for today is the first day of the rest of the Life that God has given me.  Satan, get thee behind me, for you have no say in my life, I belong to Jesus.

The associate pastor began to speak healing over my body, healing in my shoulder and hip which constantly pop out of place and cause a lot of pain.  Ever since I broke my ankle 2 years ago, my whole body has been out of kilter, out of sink with the rest of my body, causing it to not operate correctly and cause pain and frustration.  They prayed and prayed, then the real Word was spoken as such.

"Karina, I feel that this physical ailment has caused you to be frustrated, maybe even to the point of depression. At that, I began to cry, and cry, and cry.  He went on to state that He sees that lies have been spoken over me about my future that were curses and have hindered me from living in the liberty that He has called me to.  Freedom to serve, freedom to love, freedom to run, freedom to move freely in and out of His will. "

At that point, I broke down and shared that my mother has spoken curses over me for years stating that the illness that overtook my father was upon me and that I needed to admit it and own it and take the medication like my father.  This curse, I believe to be the lie of satan, sent to hinder me and keep me from moving in the liberty that He called me to move in.

Pastor Doug " God wants to set you free to move freely in the calling that is on your life.  I see someone who speaks life into others, even when bound by frustration and pain, you continue to speak life into others., as he spoke a woman came forward and said that the Lord had said to her that my heart was scarred from the curses of others and that the Lord wanted to heal those scars that were keeping me in bondage.  They began to speak about the gift of prophecy that is a seal upon me and how the frustration and bondage I had been in was keeping me from walking in the calling of prophecy upon my life.  The Lord would have me know that I am to step out and begin to counter those curses and speak blessings and life upon others.  That I would be healed through healing of others."

They continued to pray as one of the elders walked over to us.  They introduced me to him, his name was Mike.  Mike said that the Lord showed him a fire hydrant.  That I was a fire hydrant, but that I was not properly utilizing the fire hydrant for it's purposes.  He went on to say that a fire hydrant needs three things to operate properly. 1. caps, 2. a hose, 3. a source of flow.  Mike said that at times the source of water was hooked up, but the caps were on so it couldn't be used to flow to others.  Then at times the caps were off, but the source wasn't flowing, then there were times that the caps were off, but the hose laid on the ground.

But the Lord wanted me to know that my fire hydrant would be fully operational.  The source is pouring through the hose and the caps are off so that it can flow to those who are in need and to those who are thirsty.

They called it a new day, a day that I am to step out and call it new, shake off the shackles, reject the negative, close my ears to the curses and begin to speak blessings on anyone that comes my way.

So, I am speaking Blessings upon you right now.  May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Joseph, show you His favor and grace.  May you step out in boldness to serve your God, may you speak boldly the things that the Lord has given you to speak.  Let no fear of man keep you from speaking His truth, but speak boldly for Him.  May you find the freedom from your past that will give you courage to speak in boldness and truth.  May He call you out and show you favor.  Please contact me if you need prayer.  I love to pray for those that are seeking.  Be Blessed, in His Holy Name.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

God Mob

A month ago, Mark and I left church with alot in our hearts and minds.  We had just listened to a great sermon about this generation that the Lord has called to be set apart and to rise up and stand for him:

With this on my heart I posted this on Facebook on May 3rd.

Isaiah 60: Arise, Shine, for your light has come. And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth. And deep darkness the peoples. But the Lord will rise upon you, and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 60: 1-3
 From this, the Lord started to speak to me about a Flash Mob or a God mob.  He gave me a vision of seeing His people arise and shine for our light has come.  A vision that the darkness will be overtaken by our light IF, and only IF we unite and stand together.  Not sure everyone understands what a flash mob is, basically it is a united group of people who come out and stand for one thing, represent one thing, present a untied front. From this He showed me a picture of His children pouring out of the churches, out of the homes, out of the cities and coming to one central point - pouring into one location and being a witness, being a light, pushing back the darkness.  I really didn't know if He was telling me to plan this, so I started to speak to friends to get their ideas and to see if this was really something that the Lord wanted us to do.

Then one night at the Ortiz's during prayer and worship, the Lord gave me a vision, which is becoming more and more the vision that the Lord is giving to Mark and I about His church, about His people, about His body. 

The secondary vision was a pouring out of His people, coming together to celebrate their love for Jesus.  A coming together of churches from the four corners of the earth to be united, to become one, to stand together to tear down the barriers of tradition, false teaching, unforgiveness, agendas and control, to lift up the name of Jesus, give glory to His name and His name only and no longer build individual kingdoms and agendas. To be a witness to those around that His body can be united, that the divisions that have existed for thousands of years are not His desire, that His body can fellowship and love one another, that His body exists to glorify Him and Him alone.

I believe, that this is not just a vision of hope that the Lord gave me, I believe that this was a true vision of what He is preparing to do in His body.  There will be no more man made agendas, no more man made traditions, no more denominational walls, no more lifting up of men, but only lifting up the name of Jesus for His glory and to draw mankind unto Him.  A breaking down of walls and pouring out of His body into the community to be united through Jesus.

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Grave is Open

What a marvelous thing that God continues to reveal His ways and His beauty to us.  I've experienced 46 Easters this year. Easter has always been one of my favorite holidays.  Of course, I am not very fond of the bunny rabbit, easter eggs or peter cottontail.  I believe that those cultural trappings steal the real reason for the holiday away from our life.  I respect anyone who chooses to continue in those traditions; I just simply choose not to participate.  I want to hang on to the real meaning of Easter as long as I possibly can.

Sometimes Easter reminds me of the death of Jesus Christ and the price he paid for each of us.  Who would do that?  I don't think I would sacrifice my child for another human being, let alone send my child to suffer a very painful death.  This would be so trying and would weigh me down.

This Easter Season...the Lord has blessed me with a new revelation, a fresh vision of His holiday.  I was in church Sunday and the worship team was singing Chains be Broken by Hillsong:
I have decided I have resolved
To wait upon you Lord
My rock and redeemer shall not be moved
Ill wait upon you Lord

Pre Chorus
As surely as the sun will rise
You'll come to us
As certain as the dawn appears

You'll come let your glory fall
As you respond to us
Spirit reign flood our hearts
With holy fire again

Verse 2
We are not shaken we are not moved
We wait upon you Lord
Our Mighty deliverer my triumph and truth
I'll wait upon you Lord

Chains be broken
Lives be healed
Eyes be opened
Christ is revealed

I began to hear the Spirit speak to me "The grave is open" and saw the grave in my mind’s eye.  Over and over, "the grave is open".  The spirit was moving in church and people began to come to the alter for prayer, and healing. I went forward seeking freedom from the grave.  A lady laid hands on me and prayed that the "grave is open, walk in my daughter, and walk back out in freedom."  What a wonderful confirmation of what the Lord was speaking to me.

It was so precious to hear directly from the Holy Spirit.  He was speaking to me, loud and clear.  He can speak to you to.  The closer we draw to Him...the more learn of who he is and how He operates, the more we will begin to walk as He walks, talk as He talks and move like He moves.

Lord, this is our desire, to move with you.  To walk out of the grave with you.  To have our Lazarus moment.

Praise be to Jesus....He is Risen, He is Risen indeed.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Building my Father's Kingdom

I went to Chicago for business this past week.  I became very self-indulgent while I was there.  My ugly old flesh reared its ugly head while I was there.  I whined about everything.  The training was bad, the people were rude, and the weather was horrible.  If I could find it, I would whine about it, if I saw it, I whined about it.  It was pitiful...after all that my Heavenly Father has given me and done for me, all I have to offer back is negative whining out of my mouth.  Wondering why He brought me to Chicago to be miserable...because you know, it's all about me.

So....on the Wednesday evening, when everyone else went out to eat and didn't invite more thing to whine about...I was going to stay in for the night, but I heard the Lord speak to me to go out.  So I hired a cab, went and ate sushi, and hired a cab to go back to the hotel.  Nothing exciting had happened, I had my normal spicy tuna roll, my one enjoyment of the day. 

Then the cab picked me up, we were quiet at first, then he started to ask me questions.  He asked where I was from, why I was in Chicago...and somehow we got around to speaking about religion.  Hmmmm...Religion and politics, two of the most complicated and divisive subjects.  But I listened as he shared his belief that Christianity and Islam are the same since they are descendents of Abraham, who is a descendent of Adam.  He shared how he believes that Satan has played a game with all religions, causing division when God's ultimate plan was for us to be one big family. 

To some extent, he is correct.  God's original plan was for us to all be in His family, but because we sinned, and because we now live in a fallen world, we deserve to be damned due to the penalty of sin.  But, as I explained to Mohammed, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, because He suffered and died for our sins, we can be reconciled through our Savior to the Father.  All men can be reconciled with their creator, their Savior, their Father.  I had to make it very clear to Mohammed though, that there is a difference between Islam and Christianity.  If I didn’t…and he continues in his belief, he too will be damned.  I had to share the gospel as I know it.

We shared our Faith with one another for one hour, sitting out front of the hotel in his taxi cab.  He shared his heart about the last days and how the catastrophes are signs of the end, per the Quran. I shared about the book that I had just read about the twelfth Imam and how it is significant to the return of Christ.

He shared how He felt that when Jesus returns he and Allah will come together and bring the religions together.  Of that I know not, I spoke, but what I do know is that you have to believe that Jesus is the Savior and choose to follow Him to receive eternal life.  How, when or if Jesus reconciles the millions of religions out there, is in His hands, not mine. 

But then, the most awesome thing happened.  Mohammed shared that he and his wife were having some financial issues and that he needed some answers.  I asked him if I could pray for him...and he said here is the prayer that I prayed for him as I layer hands on him, and that I pray for you as well.

Mohammed, I pray that the Lord will pour out His favor upon you.  That He will lead you and guide you.  That he will speak His words to you and reveal Himself in new ways.

The amazing part of this?  The Lord spoke to me after I left the cab that "this is what you are here has nothing to do with the job, the training, the career, it was so you ride in the taxi of this man Mohammed and speak truth to him.  What the Lord does with that truth is up to's simply up to me to be obedient and speak when He says speak.  What I do know is that my Father loved Mohommed enough to bring me to his cab and pray with Him.  That’s how my Father rolls.

What an honor to be used by the Lord God Almighty to do the work that He could do himself.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Road Less Traveled

Recently I had a conversation with several believers. We were studying James 2:1-4, I would encourage you to read it, but the jest of it is this.

When a man or woman comes into your home, your assembly, your gathering, we are to show no partiality. If a man with a Gold ring, fine clothes and lots of material things comes in, and another man with shabby clothing, unbathed, and nothing to offer the assembly, do not show partiality to the man with the fine clothes, allowing him to sit with you and placing the shabby man at your feet or far from you. (major paraphrase) :)

Now, who wants to admit that we favor people? Who wants to admit that we like pretty people above the not so pretty? Do we actually do this? Do we shy away from the person at our jobs that isn't like us, the next door neighbor that makes us uncomfortable?

As we shared this, we began to feel pretty blessed that we didn't have this problem that was evident in this scripture passage. When we really started to dig into this passage and share our hearts, we realized that we all shared one thing. We don't really favor the "pretty" people. We had all had bad experiences with the popular crowd, the wealthy, and the accepted. We all decided we actually were drawn to the man in shabby clothing. I shared that I felt much more accepted, comfortable and connected with the man that is homeless, or the woman who is an addict. Why?

Because they are real, they are vulnerable, they are transparent. They don't have a choice but to be transparent and real....their circumstances and sin are very apparent. They are homeless because they were addicted to crack cocaine, they are homeless because they lost their job, their wife and had nowhere to go. They have been humbled beyond understanding. They share in my sin, my addictions, my vulnerability, they are willing to speak to those things because they have no reputation to hang on Kingdom that they are trying to build; they are simply trying to survive.

We truly began to feel quite holy and set apart...we were better than the people in the assembly that favored the fine dressed man. Then we realized the truth. We were no better; we simply had switched who we favored. We realized we have our own stereotypes, our own prejudices, our own "pretty" people that we favor. We came to understand that we all have those that we are comfortable with, those that help us feel safe in our own skin, and those who help us stay in our comfort zone.

Whether you belong to the group that favors the "pretty" people and have them sit in the front with you, or the group that favors the lowly and shabby people...we must change our thinking and love them all. Even those in the middle that just simply don't even show up on our radar.

The group that you simply walk by and don't even notice. We chase the rich for the financial or material gain that they can help us attain or the resources they have to help us build our Kingdom. The shabby and poor we can chase for the self-righteous satisfaction that it gives me to help them, to lower myself to spend time with them.

Jesus sees us all the same. He came to use the lowly to confound the wise. He also came to set the rich tax collector free. But He also came to set this middle aged mother of three, free from the addictions of alcohol, tobacco and depression. He came to give me a hope and a freedom that I had never known so that I could share my freedom with those that fit in all of these groups.

We need to see all the same. They all need Jesus. We cannot look over those we see as less deserving to get to the rich for selfish gain, we can't step over those we see as more deserving for the poor to pump up our ego. And we cannot and must not, stay in our comfort zone, not reaching out a hand of fellowship because we refuse to get out of our comfort zone.

Where do you fit? Who do you favor? What is your prejudice? Reach out like Jesus and offer the hand of fellowship to all that Christ brings in your life.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Self Doubt - Me or Jesus

So often we have self doubt, we doubt the things we believe that the Lord has told us, the words prophesied over us and the visions that God has laid out full in front of us. We doubt the Word in the Bible, we doubt our own heart. Why do we doubt if He is the one that told us. We doubt because we listen to the words of men, we think back on failures of our past and we watch the failures of others. We doubt because others have failed us, loved ones have hurt us, and we begin to associate the ability of God Almighty with the puny ability of mankind. But what caused those failures or things to not go as we expected? If God spoke...was He unclear as to what He was speaking....did He lie....or did man themselves get in the way or not sow what the Lord had told them to sow.

The first thing the Lord has spoken clearly to me is that He DOES speak to me, so the doubting does not come from him....if the Lord has given me a word, than it is so and I must stand on it. If I have discernment concerning a situation, I must trust the Spirit within me and believe that I can trust what He is revealing in me just as I trust that He saves me. It doesn't matter if others don't get it, if others disagree, if others criticize you for stepping out in what He has spoken to you. If He said it, it is so.

The second step in the self doubt or doubting of Jesus is "People have failed me in the can I believe his word now?" I've believed that person before....they failed can I trust them this time. We all have video tapes that we run over and over in our heads. They are videos of evil words spoken over us, inapropriate behavior, curses and blessings. The videos that had the deepest cut in our heart is the one that we tend to continue to run over and over. We won't release forgiveness on those that spoke evil over us, or those that had more than we did, therefore we resent them. We hang on, we play it in our head over and over. The Lord wants to set us free of those videos and give us a new video. A new vision of a future that hold promise and hope, a new vision of a future where He will redeem our past and restore our relationships. A vision of a future that we can take our pain and redeem it by speaking His truth into the future and change our path.

We've all failed, we've all had someone fail us.....but Jesus has promised us that He will never leave us nor forsake us, that he will take all things and make them good, and that He will restore what the cankor worm has stolen.

Years ago, I became a divorced Christian Woman. This was probably the hardest thing that I've ever walked through, it was probably also the best thing that ever happend to me. Is that to say that this was God's perfect will for my life? no......but He will take all things and make them good. But the doubt that this created in me was the most incredible painful doubt I've ever experienced. Doubt that I could ever love again, doubt that I could ever raise my children by myself, doubt that the love that God had placed with me would ever be poured out in another relationship. Doubt that the dreams and visions that He had given me would ever be more than just that...dreams and visions.

But the Lord spoke to me then, and has recently spoken to me that He will take care of the details, the nasayers, the roadbumps and the job is simply to believe that He speaks today, believe that He indeed has spoken a Word or a plan to me and then step out believing and not being tossed to and fro, but standing on the Word that He has given me and claiming it as truth.

I praise my father for the gentle way that assures us of our path and the love that he bestows upon us. He is an awesome God and I love being His daughter.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Follow Me - Part 2

With his permission, I want to share the message that my husband shared at our nursing home monthly ministering. It began with a conversation that Mark and I had several months ago discussing what it means to be a disciple of Christ...what did Jesus mean when He said "Follow Me"?

The Lord began to really work a question in Mark's heart and ultimately a message that is worth sharing with many. For times sake, I'll leave many of the scripture references out, but give you the picture that he painted. He begins by sharing the poem of the "Footprints in the Sand" with seeing footprints in the sand and not understanding why it goes from two sets to one set of footprints. Typically, the poem explains that the footprints go from two set to one set because in our troubles Jesus carries us. The Lord gave Mark another picture or interpretation of this poem. Mark saw that the two footprints became one when the follower was actually walking in the footprints of Jesus.

Just as a little child might walk in his daddies footprints on the beach, there will only be one set because his foot fits perfectly in the larger footprint and the path is easily followed. What a beautiful picture of a believer walking in their Father's footprints. His print is larger than ours and easily holds our foot as we follow Him perfectly, as we mimic His steps, as we imitate His movements and eventually meld into a fluid walking motion that is His not our own.

But one more picture was given. It is a picture of why at times when we are following the Lord, walking perfectly in His steps, we sometimes are frustrated because we cannot determine the outcome or the future. The reason we cannot see the outcome or the future is because He is walking in front of us and blocking our view from that future. This causes us to have to trust perfectly, the path that He is preparing for us, knowing that we will only walk where He would walk, therefore we will only go where he goes.

Follow me...and I will make you disciples and fishers of men. He has asked you....will you follow?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Follow Me - It Only Takes a spark (Pt 1)

We visited my mother’s nursing home as we do every Sunday, but today was our turn to serve as their visiting church. As in most nursing homes, churches come to visit weekly to minister and serve. It is a very difficult venue to speak to, and even more to minister to in prayer. Just what will you "witness" to a population that is living in their last few days, ailing, failing and somewhat hopeless. Do you pray for healing, knowing that they most likely will not be healed, but believing that the Lord can heal them.

I did witness a miracle to me today. Eva is one of the ladies that we minister to. She is always there at church when we visit. Eva has had a stroke which makes it very difficult for her to communicate sometimes. Some days are worse than others. If Eva is extremely tired, she can barely talk. When she is like this and you ask her a questions, she just smiles real big and nods her head yes. Whether the answer is yes or no....she nods yes. But today, I helped her hold her music knowing that she wouldn't be able to sing because of her stroke, but as the music started, I heard it....she sang the song perfectly. When you sing from the soul, even the physical infirmities are pushed to the wayside and the spiritual takes control.

Many of these elderly people try to present a positive front, but you see how their eyes are failing, their bodies worn out and their hearts are tired and somewhat hopeless. We do the normal "church service" amenities. Preach, sing, pray and chat. But the most important thing that we do is live Jesus out in front of them. We believe in them, we show them that we respect them as our elders and honor them with our time.

It is amazing how one touch; one word can brighten their eyes. It's not what you preach or what you sing, it's just that you came and you are there for them.

James 1: 27 says " Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world".

Our society tends to forget about our elderly. We put them behind closed doors and try to forget that they are there. We hire other people to care for them and hope that their needs are being met. But these are the elders that the Old Testament refers to as having unprecedented wisdom and discernment to share. These are the people that the Word says are to teach the younger. These are the people we are to gather around and sit at their feet and allow them to speak truth into our lives.

This may sound selfish....but as I've watched both of my parents fail in nursing homes...I was reminded that I will one day be where they are. I believe in the law of reciprocity. What we send forth or display is what we will receive. Jesus lived with the law of reciprocity. He gave love that He had been given and then the love that He gave permeated His followers and the gift goes on. Do you remember the song "it only takes a spark to get a fire going"? We are that spark that can give light in a dark heart, we are that spark that can set a fire burning, and we are that spark that can set a city on fire. We are the spark that just might cause them to see the love of Jesus and accept Him as their Lord. We may be the only Jesus they ever see.

Jesus said "follow me" and I will make you disciples. What does it mean to follow Him....what does it mean to make disciples or be a disciple? More to come in part two.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Kinsman Redeemer

I received a kiss from the Lord came unexpectedly and was a needed affirmation from the Lord. The Lord desires to meet with us in intimate ways, but oftentimes we are simply too busy to wait upon Him and see what He has for us. We are hustling and bustling through life and we miss the creator of the dance. This story may seem to be a somewhat disconnected, but if you will bear with me until the end, I can guarantee you a trip well worth the travel.

Part 1:

Years ago during my single years, the Lord spoke to me through my Father concerning the Lord's plan for me and how He desired to lead me. I was experimenting with Christian single groups and one day after a dance, my father asked me if I had asked any men to dance. I told him that I had not, that I wanted God to bring the right man to me and that I didn't want to get in the way. My father said that I needed to follow Ruth's example. I needed to listen for His voice and follow it to where He was leading me and that sometimes that meant being aggressive in our Faith and going after the desire that He placed inside of us.

Ruth followed the Spirit, followed her mother-in-law to her country and set herself to working in the fields. Ruth said where you go I go, what you say I say. She was obedient. Through this obedience she was blessed and was provided for in so many ways. Ruth is not only a picture of Spiritual, financial, emotional and family provision, but a foreshadowing of the plan of salvation of our true Kinsman Redeemer Jesus Christ. The Lord spoke to me and let me know that I was Ruth and that He would bless me as such. If I would lie at His feet, honor and obey Him, he would bless me financially, in my family, in my relationships and spiritually.

I believe I am as Ruth was and continue to be blessed as I seek Him.

Part 2:

Recently the Lord spoke to me asking me to put aside some of my daily habits and spend that time with Him. He spoke clearly that I needed to trust Him in some areas of my life and rely on Him for those areas, not on myself.

I obeyed. I have set aside an hour every morning that I spend in worship and prayer, laying at His feet, waiting on Him, seeking Him and listening to Him. It has been very refreshing and powerful.

My time with the Lord on this morning was especially intimate, but life must at some point continue so I went to work. On my way to work I was worshiping the Lord, singing in the Spirit and then my mind began to wander.


I was worshipping and my mind darted to my email. I know....Random. I began to think that I should change my email. I thought to myself: "self, for security purposes, I need to change my email address...what should I change it to? then the thought comes to me - how about Kruth - first initial and last name.

As my mind wrapped itself around that I realized that my last name had the name RUTH in it. Since I was very young I have always paid close attention to the meaning of names. As in the Bible, I believe there is significance in our names and that at times the Lord changes our name.

The Lord spoke to me....I told you, you were prove that to you, I intentionally brought your husband whose name begins with RUTH to you so that you would have the literal name of Ruth in your name. Mark has always said as well that the Lord brought him to me to bring him to Jesus. The Lord spoke “I love you and Mark this much, and will continue to bless you as I've promised you."

At this point....I sobbed at the overwhelming love that I felt. Jesus kissed me this morning.

So I opened a new email. I didn't make it KRuth, I felt that might be a little self-indulgent, but I love my new one and it is how I shall live.

The Lord will bless us and give us kisses in ways like this. He loves us so much that He desires to reveal even His innermost thoughts and feelings of us. He is so in love with us, He will change our last names, and redeem our past and our eternal future.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jesus Is All That We Need

We travel in this world...roaming around wondering why we are here, trying to make sense of the nonsense that we call life. We wonder what our purpose is, what we are to spend our time doing, who we should spend our time with. We stumble, we fall, and we get back up again. We try to create ourselves, recreate ourselves, figure ourselves out, pretend we are someone else.

When we finally reach the end of ourselves we know that it was all for naught. Only Jesus can create, only Jesus can recreate, only Jesus can give us purpose, only Jesus can reveal who we are.

Psalm 119: 171-176

My lips will pour forth praise, for you teach me your statutes.
My tongue will sing of your word, for all your commandments are right.
Let your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen your precepts.
I long for your salvation, O LORD, and your law is my delight.
Let my soul live and praise you, and let your rules help me.
I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek your servant, for I do not forget your commandments.

We are created to Crave magnify and extol His name. To glorify Him, honor Him in all that we do, share who He is and live to know Him.

It's when we lose sight of our purpose, our calling that we run to people, to material possessions,to substance, to extracurricular activities and to unhealthy lifestyles.

We are made to know Jesus, made to become like Jesus, made to love like Jesus, made to be content with and desire Jesus.

He is all that we need.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Addictions traded for my Desire for God

The Lord is showing me more and more how I continue to replace one addiction with another and how easily it gets me off track and moves me further from the Lord. These addictions cause me to have feelings of hopelessness even when He is the giver of Hope. I lose my focus and become focus on the shiny things that draw my attention away from the one that I love more than life itself.

I believe that Genesis speaks to why these cravings and addictions occur. Genesis 3:16 "To the woman He said, "I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth, in pain you shall bring forth children: Yet your desire shall be for your husbandk, and he shall rule over you."

So the Lord created us to desire Him and be in relationship with Him. But Eve, in her human flesh, decided she could do things better. So, instead of following the Lord's guidance to not eat from the tree of good and evil, she did. This small thing didn't just affect her, it altered the history of mankind.

Instead of putting her effort into what she was created for, she was sidetracked and her desire for God turned into an addiction for power, wisdom and meeting the needs of her flesh.

Lord, I ask that you would save me from this continuous cycle that I have been in for the last 30 years. I just want you!! I want to desire you above all things and crave you instead of the things of this World. Lord change me, make me and mold me. I am yours. Yet he gave me an addiction that I keep laying down to rest because the other addictions appeal to the flesh of soul. The addiction of song. I'm addicted to singing to Him, for Him from Him and ministering for Him. Lord keep me focused on your desire for me and help me keep my focus off of my fleshly desires.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Lord Spoke to me Today

The Lord spoke to me wasn't anything big, or maybe it was. Simply...quit doing in your own power. Where do you think your power comes from to begin with? Stop...let me carry you and trust that I know your needs, desires and path so much better than you. Don't rush by me in the morning so that you can get to your mountain of "to do's". Stop, get on your face, cry out to me and I will take care of the do"s. As long as you rush past will be in a turmoil and it will never end. Look to me...surrender to me....I will bring you into the promises that I have given you and give you the desires of your heart. Love Jesus

I know the plans I have for you...for good and not for evil.