Mark and I have been on a Journey...a Journey searching for where He would have us to minister, where He would have us to become a part of a community and where He would have us to settle. It's been difficult wandering, the wandering in the wilderness is not easy. You become dry and dehydrated as you are not truly being fed or connected. Your vision can begin to blur as you don't see His purpose for your life.
We've tried to be connected to our brothers and sisters in Christ as we continue on this journey. Making sure that we have close friends speaking into our lives and help us stay grounded in the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and ensure that we don't get sidetracked.
We continue to study His Word and grow in His Word, allowing Him to move on our heart and speak into us as we wait on Him.
I feel so priveledged because my Father went to so much trouble for me today, which showed me again how much He loves us. I need to put into writting the words that were spoken over me this morning, for today is the first day of the rest of the Life that God has given me. Satan, get thee behind me, for you have no say in my life, I belong to Jesus.
The associate pastor began to speak healing over my body, healing in my shoulder and hip which constantly pop out of place and cause a lot of pain. Ever since I broke my ankle 2 years ago, my whole body has been out of kilter, out of sink with the rest of my body, causing it to not operate correctly and cause pain and frustration. They prayed and prayed, then the real Word was spoken as such.
"Karina, I feel that this physical ailment has caused you to be frustrated, maybe even to the point of depression. At that, I began to cry, and cry, and cry. He went on to state that He sees that lies have been spoken over me about my future that were curses and have hindered me from living in the liberty that He has called me to. Freedom to serve, freedom to love, freedom to run, freedom to move freely in and out of His will. "
At that point, I broke down and shared that my mother has spoken curses over me for years stating that the illness that overtook my father was upon me and that I needed to admit it and own it and take the medication like my father. This curse, I believe to be the lie of satan, sent to hinder me and keep me from moving in the liberty that He called me to move in.
Pastor Doug " God wants to set you free to move freely in the calling that is on your life. I see someone who speaks life into others, even when bound by frustration and pain, you continue to speak life into others., as he spoke a woman came forward and said that the Lord had said to her that my heart was scarred from the curses of others and that the Lord wanted to heal those scars that were keeping me in bondage. They began to speak about the gift of prophecy that is a seal upon me and how the frustration and bondage I had been in was keeping me from walking in the calling of prophecy upon my life. The Lord would have me know that I am to step out and begin to counter those curses and speak blessings and life upon others. That I would be healed through healing of others."
They continued to pray as one of the elders walked over to us. They introduced me to him, his name was Mike. Mike said that the Lord showed him a fire hydrant. That I was a fire hydrant, but that I was not properly utilizing the fire hydrant for it's purposes. He went on to say that a fire hydrant needs three things to operate properly. 1. caps, 2. a hose, 3. a source of flow. Mike said that at times the source of water was hooked up, but the caps were on so it couldn't be used to flow to others. Then at times the caps were off, but the source wasn't flowing, then there were times that the caps were off, but the hose laid on the ground.
But the Lord wanted me to know that my fire hydrant would be fully operational. The source is pouring through the hose and the caps are off so that it can flow to those who are in need and to those who are thirsty.
They called it a new day, a day that I am to step out and call it new, shake off the shackles, reject the negative, close my ears to the curses and begin to speak blessings on anyone that comes my way.
So, I am speaking Blessings upon you right now. May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Joseph, show you His favor and grace. May you step out in boldness to serve your God, may you speak boldly the things that the Lord has given you to speak. Let no fear of man keep you from speaking His truth, but speak boldly for Him. May you find the freedom from your past that will give you courage to speak in boldness and truth. May He call you out and show you favor. Please contact me if you need prayer. I love to pray for those that are seeking. Be Blessed, in His Holy Name.
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