Dream from 7-24-11
I had a dream that I was driving to work on I435 south. Almost immediately after getting on I 435 from Gregory I hit dead stopped traffic. I could almost see it from overhead. It reminded me of an armegeddon type movie where you see miles and miles of cars lined up, bumper to bumper on a busy freeway with no relief in site. People were getting out of their vehicle and talking to each other. The consensus was to not bother to try to head South or West because you would never make it to your destination. It was the opinion of most that you might as well turn around at the nearest exit.
As I got closer to the triangle, I noticed two buses that looked like tourest buses or the buses of a celebrity. Surrounding the buses were literally hundreds of police cars and ambulances. It looked as if the police had simply pulled the buses over and were "waiting" to proceed with anything futher at that time. I continued down the road and passed by the buses.
Once I crossed over the Grandview Triangle, I pulled off on 103rd to a bank and pulled into a parking lot. This distance of 3 or 4 miles took 4 or 5 hours. Once I got into the parking lot, I joined hundreds of others by getting out of my vehicle and chatting about what was occuring. Some stated that they had heard that there were several manholes or openings on the interstate that had been pried open and a man from one of the buses had been seen throwing a large package into the hole and then running from it.
At this point, the police and media were encouraging everyone to return to their homes and stay until further information could be given. I woke up....I had no fear, but feel that it is somewhat prophetic. I don't have the interpretation, but will be watching.
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