We visited my mother’s nursing home as we do every Sunday, but today was our turn to serve as their visiting church. As in most nursing homes, churches come to visit weekly to minister and serve. It is a very difficult venue to speak to, and even more to minister to in prayer. Just what will you "witness" to a population that is living in their last few days, ailing, failing and somewhat hopeless. Do you pray for healing, knowing that they most likely will not be healed, but believing that the Lord can heal them.
I did witness a miracle to me today. Eva is one of the ladies that we minister to. She is always there at church when we visit. Eva has had a stroke which makes it very difficult for her to communicate sometimes. Some days are worse than others. If Eva is extremely tired, she can barely talk. When she is like this and you ask her a questions, she just smiles real big and nods her head yes. Whether the answer is yes or no....she nods yes. But today, I helped her hold her music knowing that she wouldn't be able to sing because of her stroke, but as the music started, I heard it....she sang the song perfectly. When you sing from the soul, even the physical infirmities are pushed to the wayside and the spiritual takes control.
Many of these elderly people try to present a positive front, but you see how their eyes are failing, their bodies worn out and their hearts are tired and somewhat hopeless. We do the normal "church service" amenities. Preach, sing, pray and chat. But the most important thing that we do is live Jesus out in front of them. We believe in them, we show them that we respect them as our elders and honor them with our time.
It is amazing how one touch; one word can brighten their eyes. It's not what you preach or what you sing, it's just that you came and you are there for them.
James 1: 27 says " Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world".
Our society tends to forget about our elderly. We put them behind closed doors and try to forget that they are there. We hire other people to care for them and hope that their needs are being met. But these are the elders that the Old Testament refers to as having unprecedented wisdom and discernment to share. These are the people that the Word says are to teach the younger. These are the people we are to gather around and sit at their feet and allow them to speak truth into our lives.
This may sound selfish....but as I've watched both of my parents fail in nursing homes...I was reminded that I will one day be where they are. I believe in the law of reciprocity. What we send forth or display is what we will receive. Jesus lived with the law of reciprocity. He gave love that He had been given and then the love that He gave permeated His followers and the gift goes on. Do you remember the song "it only takes a spark to get a fire going"? We are that spark that can give light in a dark heart, we are that spark that can set a fire burning, and we are that spark that can set a city on fire. We are the spark that just might cause them to see the love of Jesus and accept Him as their Lord. We may be the only Jesus they ever see.
Jesus said "follow me" and I will make you disciples. What does it mean to follow Him....what does it mean to make disciples or be a disciple? More to come in part two.
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