Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Follow Me - Part 2

With his permission, I want to share the message that my husband shared at our nursing home monthly ministering. It began with a conversation that Mark and I had several months ago discussing what it means to be a disciple of Christ...what did Jesus mean when He said "Follow Me"?

The Lord began to really work a question in Mark's heart and ultimately a message that is worth sharing with many. For times sake, I'll leave many of the scripture references out, but give you the picture that he painted. He begins by sharing the poem of the "Footprints in the Sand" with seeing footprints in the sand and not understanding why it goes from two sets to one set of footprints. Typically, the poem explains that the footprints go from two set to one set because in our troubles Jesus carries us. The Lord gave Mark another picture or interpretation of this poem. Mark saw that the two footprints became one when the follower was actually walking in the footprints of Jesus.

Just as a little child might walk in his daddies footprints on the beach, there will only be one set because his foot fits perfectly in the larger footprint and the path is easily followed. What a beautiful picture of a believer walking in their Father's footprints. His print is larger than ours and easily holds our foot as we follow Him perfectly, as we mimic His steps, as we imitate His movements and eventually meld into a fluid walking motion that is His not our own.

But one more picture was given. It is a picture of why at times when we are following the Lord, walking perfectly in His steps, we sometimes are frustrated because we cannot determine the outcome or the future. The reason we cannot see the outcome or the future is because He is walking in front of us and blocking our view from that future. This causes us to have to trust perfectly, the path that He is preparing for us, knowing that we will only walk where He would walk, therefore we will only go where he goes.

Follow me...and I will make you disciples and fishers of men. He has asked you....will you follow?

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