Sunday, February 20, 2011

Self Doubt - Me or Jesus

So often we have self doubt, we doubt the things we believe that the Lord has told us, the words prophesied over us and the visions that God has laid out full in front of us. We doubt the Word in the Bible, we doubt our own heart. Why do we doubt if He is the one that told us. We doubt because we listen to the words of men, we think back on failures of our past and we watch the failures of others. We doubt because others have failed us, loved ones have hurt us, and we begin to associate the ability of God Almighty with the puny ability of mankind. But what caused those failures or things to not go as we expected? If God spoke...was He unclear as to what He was speaking....did He lie....or did man themselves get in the way or not sow what the Lord had told them to sow.

The first thing the Lord has spoken clearly to me is that He DOES speak to me, so the doubting does not come from him....if the Lord has given me a word, than it is so and I must stand on it. If I have discernment concerning a situation, I must trust the Spirit within me and believe that I can trust what He is revealing in me just as I trust that He saves me. It doesn't matter if others don't get it, if others disagree, if others criticize you for stepping out in what He has spoken to you. If He said it, it is so.

The second step in the self doubt or doubting of Jesus is "People have failed me in the can I believe his word now?" I've believed that person before....they failed can I trust them this time. We all have video tapes that we run over and over in our heads. They are videos of evil words spoken over us, inapropriate behavior, curses and blessings. The videos that had the deepest cut in our heart is the one that we tend to continue to run over and over. We won't release forgiveness on those that spoke evil over us, or those that had more than we did, therefore we resent them. We hang on, we play it in our head over and over. The Lord wants to set us free of those videos and give us a new video. A new vision of a future that hold promise and hope, a new vision of a future where He will redeem our past and restore our relationships. A vision of a future that we can take our pain and redeem it by speaking His truth into the future and change our path.

We've all failed, we've all had someone fail us.....but Jesus has promised us that He will never leave us nor forsake us, that he will take all things and make them good, and that He will restore what the cankor worm has stolen.

Years ago, I became a divorced Christian Woman. This was probably the hardest thing that I've ever walked through, it was probably also the best thing that ever happend to me. Is that to say that this was God's perfect will for my life? no......but He will take all things and make them good. But the doubt that this created in me was the most incredible painful doubt I've ever experienced. Doubt that I could ever love again, doubt that I could ever raise my children by myself, doubt that the love that God had placed with me would ever be poured out in another relationship. Doubt that the dreams and visions that He had given me would ever be more than just that...dreams and visions.

But the Lord spoke to me then, and has recently spoken to me that He will take care of the details, the nasayers, the roadbumps and the job is simply to believe that He speaks today, believe that He indeed has spoken a Word or a plan to me and then step out believing and not being tossed to and fro, but standing on the Word that He has given me and claiming it as truth.

I praise my father for the gentle way that assures us of our path and the love that he bestows upon us. He is an awesome God and I love being His daughter.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Follow Me - Part 2

With his permission, I want to share the message that my husband shared at our nursing home monthly ministering. It began with a conversation that Mark and I had several months ago discussing what it means to be a disciple of Christ...what did Jesus mean when He said "Follow Me"?

The Lord began to really work a question in Mark's heart and ultimately a message that is worth sharing with many. For times sake, I'll leave many of the scripture references out, but give you the picture that he painted. He begins by sharing the poem of the "Footprints in the Sand" with seeing footprints in the sand and not understanding why it goes from two sets to one set of footprints. Typically, the poem explains that the footprints go from two set to one set because in our troubles Jesus carries us. The Lord gave Mark another picture or interpretation of this poem. Mark saw that the two footprints became one when the follower was actually walking in the footprints of Jesus.

Just as a little child might walk in his daddies footprints on the beach, there will only be one set because his foot fits perfectly in the larger footprint and the path is easily followed. What a beautiful picture of a believer walking in their Father's footprints. His print is larger than ours and easily holds our foot as we follow Him perfectly, as we mimic His steps, as we imitate His movements and eventually meld into a fluid walking motion that is His not our own.

But one more picture was given. It is a picture of why at times when we are following the Lord, walking perfectly in His steps, we sometimes are frustrated because we cannot determine the outcome or the future. The reason we cannot see the outcome or the future is because He is walking in front of us and blocking our view from that future. This causes us to have to trust perfectly, the path that He is preparing for us, knowing that we will only walk where He would walk, therefore we will only go where he goes.

Follow me...and I will make you disciples and fishers of men. He has asked you....will you follow?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Follow Me - It Only Takes a spark (Pt 1)

We visited my mother’s nursing home as we do every Sunday, but today was our turn to serve as their visiting church. As in most nursing homes, churches come to visit weekly to minister and serve. It is a very difficult venue to speak to, and even more to minister to in prayer. Just what will you "witness" to a population that is living in their last few days, ailing, failing and somewhat hopeless. Do you pray for healing, knowing that they most likely will not be healed, but believing that the Lord can heal them.

I did witness a miracle to me today. Eva is one of the ladies that we minister to. She is always there at church when we visit. Eva has had a stroke which makes it very difficult for her to communicate sometimes. Some days are worse than others. If Eva is extremely tired, she can barely talk. When she is like this and you ask her a questions, she just smiles real big and nods her head yes. Whether the answer is yes or no....she nods yes. But today, I helped her hold her music knowing that she wouldn't be able to sing because of her stroke, but as the music started, I heard it....she sang the song perfectly. When you sing from the soul, even the physical infirmities are pushed to the wayside and the spiritual takes control.

Many of these elderly people try to present a positive front, but you see how their eyes are failing, their bodies worn out and their hearts are tired and somewhat hopeless. We do the normal "church service" amenities. Preach, sing, pray and chat. But the most important thing that we do is live Jesus out in front of them. We believe in them, we show them that we respect them as our elders and honor them with our time.

It is amazing how one touch; one word can brighten their eyes. It's not what you preach or what you sing, it's just that you came and you are there for them.

James 1: 27 says " Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world".

Our society tends to forget about our elderly. We put them behind closed doors and try to forget that they are there. We hire other people to care for them and hope that their needs are being met. But these are the elders that the Old Testament refers to as having unprecedented wisdom and discernment to share. These are the people that the Word says are to teach the younger. These are the people we are to gather around and sit at their feet and allow them to speak truth into our lives.

This may sound selfish....but as I've watched both of my parents fail in nursing homes...I was reminded that I will one day be where they are. I believe in the law of reciprocity. What we send forth or display is what we will receive. Jesus lived with the law of reciprocity. He gave love that He had been given and then the love that He gave permeated His followers and the gift goes on. Do you remember the song "it only takes a spark to get a fire going"? We are that spark that can give light in a dark heart, we are that spark that can set a fire burning, and we are that spark that can set a city on fire. We are the spark that just might cause them to see the love of Jesus and accept Him as their Lord. We may be the only Jesus they ever see.

Jesus said "follow me" and I will make you disciples. What does it mean to follow Him....what does it mean to make disciples or be a disciple? More to come in part two.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Kinsman Redeemer

I received a kiss from the Lord came unexpectedly and was a needed affirmation from the Lord. The Lord desires to meet with us in intimate ways, but oftentimes we are simply too busy to wait upon Him and see what He has for us. We are hustling and bustling through life and we miss the creator of the dance. This story may seem to be a somewhat disconnected, but if you will bear with me until the end, I can guarantee you a trip well worth the travel.

Part 1:

Years ago during my single years, the Lord spoke to me through my Father concerning the Lord's plan for me and how He desired to lead me. I was experimenting with Christian single groups and one day after a dance, my father asked me if I had asked any men to dance. I told him that I had not, that I wanted God to bring the right man to me and that I didn't want to get in the way. My father said that I needed to follow Ruth's example. I needed to listen for His voice and follow it to where He was leading me and that sometimes that meant being aggressive in our Faith and going after the desire that He placed inside of us.

Ruth followed the Spirit, followed her mother-in-law to her country and set herself to working in the fields. Ruth said where you go I go, what you say I say. She was obedient. Through this obedience she was blessed and was provided for in so many ways. Ruth is not only a picture of Spiritual, financial, emotional and family provision, but a foreshadowing of the plan of salvation of our true Kinsman Redeemer Jesus Christ. The Lord spoke to me and let me know that I was Ruth and that He would bless me as such. If I would lie at His feet, honor and obey Him, he would bless me financially, in my family, in my relationships and spiritually.

I believe I am as Ruth was and continue to be blessed as I seek Him.

Part 2:

Recently the Lord spoke to me asking me to put aside some of my daily habits and spend that time with Him. He spoke clearly that I needed to trust Him in some areas of my life and rely on Him for those areas, not on myself.

I obeyed. I have set aside an hour every morning that I spend in worship and prayer, laying at His feet, waiting on Him, seeking Him and listening to Him. It has been very refreshing and powerful.

My time with the Lord on this morning was especially intimate, but life must at some point continue so I went to work. On my way to work I was worshiping the Lord, singing in the Spirit and then my mind began to wander.


I was worshipping and my mind darted to my email. I know....Random. I began to think that I should change my email. I thought to myself: "self, for security purposes, I need to change my email address...what should I change it to? then the thought comes to me - how about Kruth - first initial and last name.

As my mind wrapped itself around that I realized that my last name had the name RUTH in it. Since I was very young I have always paid close attention to the meaning of names. As in the Bible, I believe there is significance in our names and that at times the Lord changes our name.

The Lord spoke to me....I told you, you were prove that to you, I intentionally brought your husband whose name begins with RUTH to you so that you would have the literal name of Ruth in your name. Mark has always said as well that the Lord brought him to me to bring him to Jesus. The Lord spoke “I love you and Mark this much, and will continue to bless you as I've promised you."

At this point....I sobbed at the overwhelming love that I felt. Jesus kissed me this morning.

So I opened a new email. I didn't make it KRuth, I felt that might be a little self-indulgent, but I love my new one and it is how I shall live.

The Lord will bless us and give us kisses in ways like this. He loves us so much that He desires to reveal even His innermost thoughts and feelings of us. He is so in love with us, He will change our last names, and redeem our past and our eternal future.