But this week, ahhh, I know I heard your voice, not audibly, but in so many different ways. A book from my past given to me to re-read with highlighted portions that you spoke to them concerning me. What an awesome kiss from you!! A sermon that validated and confirmed everything that had been spoken to me from that book and more. And finally, as I walked in my yard last evening to seek you in prayer and seek your face, 4 deer walked across my front lawn and into the neighbors. I heard in my mind,
As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longeth after Thee.
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship Thee.
You Lord, are my hearts desire, and I do long to worship you. Father, I long to see you in every situation and to care more about your thoughts than mine. I long to see you in those around me and to encourage them in their Faith. Yet, I fail so often.
So, I wonder, even though when I have sweet, sweet worship and sweet relationship with you, why do I wait so long to come back and run into your arms? Why do I choose to watch T.V. instead of spend time with you. Lord, I pray that you would create a desire and a passion so strong in me for intimacy with you, that nothing else will satisfy and only you can fill.
In light of all that, Lord I cry out to you the Prayer of Jabez.
Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand
be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request. 1 Chronicles 4:10
Oh Lord, if we could only comprehend what you see when you see us cry out to you for your blessing. We are so taught that to ask for Blessing is selfish and self centered. But, you desire that we ask for Blessing so that we can be poured out on those around us. Instead...we become selfish anyway and instead of following your Word to ask for those Blessings, we worry about missing our favorite television show, missing out on the sale at Macy's or just missing out on time. If we would only seek you first, cry out for the Kingdom Blessings that you long to pour out on us, and ask for you to redeem our time so that we can offer it up to you for your use.
Lord, free me from the clutches of this World. The gravitational pull of this culture that screams at us day and night to perform better, spend more, shove more into each day and to fill our minds with the mindless, senseless entertainment that barrages our every waking minute.
Lord, I don't ask for you to expand my territory so that I can be more busy, more stressed out, or more overwhelmed with the constand barrage of stuff to do....I ask that you expand my territory so that I can have an impact on the physical realm that you have given me dominion over and influence in.
I say Yes Lord Jesus!!