A month ago, Mark and I left church with alot in our hearts and minds. We had just listened to a great sermon about this generation that the Lord has called to be set apart and to rise up and stand for him:
With this on my heart I posted this on Facebook on May 3rd.
Isaiah 60: Arise, Shine, for your light has come. And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth. And deep darkness the peoples. But the Lord will rise upon you, and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 60: 1-3
From this, the Lord started to speak to me about a Flash Mob or a God mob. He gave me a vision of seeing His people arise and shine for our light has come. A vision that the darkness will be overtaken by our light IF, and only IF we unite and stand together. Not sure everyone understands what a flash mob is, basically it is a united group of people who come out and stand for one thing, represent one thing, present a untied front. From this He showed me a picture of His children pouring out of the churches, out of the homes, out of the cities and coming to one central point - pouring into one location and being a witness, being a light, pushing back the darkness. I really didn't know if He was telling me to plan this, so I started to speak to friends to get their ideas and to see if this was really something that the Lord wanted us to do.
Then one night at the Ortiz's during prayer and worship, the Lord gave me a vision, which is becoming more and more the vision that the Lord is giving to Mark and I about His church, about His people, about His body.
The secondary vision was a pouring out of His people, coming together to celebrate their love for Jesus. A coming together of churches from the four corners of the earth to be united, to become one, to stand together to tear down the barriers of tradition, false teaching, unforgiveness, agendas and control, to lift up the name of Jesus, give glory to His name and His name only and no longer build individual kingdoms and agendas. To be a witness to those around that His body can be united, that the divisions that have existed for thousands of years are not His desire, that His body can fellowship and love one another, that His body exists to glorify Him and Him alone.
I believe, that this is not just a vision of hope that the Lord gave me, I believe that this was a true vision of what He is preparing to do in His body. There will be no more man made agendas, no more man made traditions, no more denominational walls, no more lifting up of men, but only lifting up the name of Jesus for His glory and to draw mankind unto Him. A breaking down of walls and pouring out of His body into the community to be united through Jesus.